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Date: Monday March 23th, 2020

Objective: Practice Writing

OBSERVA EL SIGUIENTE SHORT FILM (CORTOMETRAJE):  «Hair Love» de Sony Pictures Animated y realiza un resúmen en Ingles en tu libreta.



Date: Wednesday March 25th, 2020

Objective: Practice Listening and identify the answer for a question

Look at the scene on page 85 of your student book and listen the following story to answer the question:



The questions in your book are these:

Do you know what this story is about?

Have you seen a film about this story?

Who are the main characters?

Do you know the name of the story?

How do you think the story ends?

Listening the story and please answer on your notebook:

  1. Where is Doroty from?
  2. Who does she meet when she steps out of her house?
  3. Who can help her go back home?
  4. Whats does the good witch give Doroty?
  5. Who does she meet on her way to Emerald City?

Please answer your question and if you have any doubt please let me know by email. Thank you so much!!



Date: Wednesday March 25th, 2020

Objective: Complete the lyric as long as you are listening then write the complete lyric on your notebook



More Than Words// Extreme

Saying I love you __ ___ the words I want to hear from ___ It’s not that I _____ you Not to say, but if you only knew ____ easy it would be to show me how you feel _____ than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn’t _______ to say that you love me ‘Cause I’d already know ______ would you do if my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel That your love for me is _____ What would you say if I took those words away Then you couldn’t make things new Just by ________ I love you

More than words La di da, da di da, di dai dai da

Now I’ve tried to talk to you and ______ you understand All you have to do is _____ your eyes And just reach out your hands and ______ me Hold me close don’t ever let me ____ More ______ words is all I ever…

Good luck!!



Date:  Monday March 30th, 2020

Objective: Look at the pictures for activity 3 of the page 86 in your student book and number the scenes in the correct order, then rewrite on your notebook

(Mira las imágenes de la actividad 3 de la página 86 de tu libro de texto y ordena las escenas en el orden correcto, entonces transcribe la secuencia en tu libreta)

In films, words in dialogs are not the only means for communicating ideas and feelings; body languaje or non- verbal languaje is also important! En las películas, las palabras en los diálogos no son el único medio para comunicar ideas y sentimientos; ¡El lenguaje corporal o el lenguaje no verbal también es importante!

Have do you used Tik Tok? What do you think about those videos where people didn´t use the right body languaje and didn´t match with what are you listening?




Date:  Tuesday March 31th, 2020

Objective: You will identified the importance of dialogs and the body languaje. ( Identificará la importancia del diálogo y el lenguaje corporal.)

Directions: Look at the scenes in activity 4 of page 87 in your student book and match them to the script fragments . (Mire las escenas en la actividad 4 de la página 87 en su libro de texto y únalas a los fragmentos del guión)



Use the sentences you wrote in Activity 3 and make an script for the scene you choose.

Include the attitudes and intentions you decided. Use the lines and dialogs from Exercise 4 as a model. (Usa las oraciones que escribiste en la Actividad 3 y crea un guión para la escena que elijas. Incluye las actitudes e intenciones que escojas. Use las líneas y diálogos del Ejercicio 4 como modelo)

– Check the genre and values you identified in the last 3 activities to decide on sound effects and complete tips for gestures that are consistent with the genre, values and attitudes. Study the scenes in Excersice 3 to help you. (Verifique el género y los valores que identificó en las últimas 3 actividades para decidir sobre los mejores efectos de sonido que utilizaría, así como los valores y las actitudes. Estudia las escenas del ejercicio 3 para ayudarte)

– Read the script and make adjustments and corrections you feel necessary, Write your final version on page 89 of your student book , and if you don´t hace it, the rewrite on your notebook. (Lea el guión y haga los ajustes y correcciones que considere necesarios. Escriba su versión final en la página 89 de su libro, si no lo tiene, por favor escríbalo en su cuaderno.


Date: Wednesday April 1st, 2020

Objective: By the end of this Unit you will write forecasts.

What future plans do you have?

This was an example of a Forecast. The pictures, illustrations, symbols, and length of a text vary depending on the topic, purpose, and intended audience. Read the texts on page 93 and 94 of your student book then in your notebook complete the following table of activity 3 in page 94.

QUESTION Text 1  Text 2 Text 3 Text 4
1. What is the topic? weather      
2. What is the purpose of the text?       to inform
3. Who read this tipe of text?        
4. Does the text use symbols, words, or both?     both  
5. Where does the text appear?   text message   sport magazine



Date: Thursday April 2nd, 2020

Objective: You will learn to identify diferent types of forecast.

The School News

Match this categories from the box to the sentences below

weather forecast
sports forecast
general future prediction (x3) 
prediction based on present evidence
  1. Cars won´t use gasoline in the future. general future prediction
  2. Santitos will probably win, the soccer game. _____________________
  3. Tomorrow will be sunny and hot. ________________________________
  4. You will find love and happiness. _________________________________
  5. He´s boxing well. He´s going to win. _____________________________
  6. Will tablets replace books in schools?. ____________________________

Draw in your notebook a newspaper and complete each section with one sentence from exercise above the pinture,

En tu libreta dibuja una página de periódico como la de arriba y completa cada una de las 3 secciones con los enunciados del ejercicio de arriba.


Date: Friday April 3rd, 2020

Objective: Learn de Auxiliar WILL and Going to

Revolution in Technology

Usamos el auxiliar Will cuando hablamos de:

  • Decisiones espontaneas: I´m bored, I think I will go for a walk.
  • Promesas: I promise I will do the washing up later
  • Predicciones: I think it will rain this weekend.
  • La forma negativa de will not es igual a la contración Won´t 

Usamos Going to para:

  • Planes: I´m going to go to a concert on weekend.
  • Predicciones: I think is going to rain this weekend.

Look at this words and write in your notebook all the things you think will change in the future.

internetemailsupermarketmicrowaveTVcell phonetable
CDcameralibraryvideo game consolebroomstovepen

Read the text from Activity 2 on page 96 then answer the questions on your notebook: